Warning Signs that you dog or cat may have fleas!!
*Sratching/biting at their skin. Fleas bite-they hurt-your pet wants them off!
*If infested with fleas, your pet can become very nervous and annoyed.
*Black Specks on your pet's skin or in your dog's or cat's bed may be "flea dirt"--the fecal matter from adult fleas. This can be usually seen more easily on a pets back or belly area.
Ticks are blood feeding external parasites of mammals, birds, and reptiles throughout the world. Ticks prefer to live in woods, tall grass, weeds and brush. They climb onto low vegetation and attach to suitable hosts which pass by, including pets and people. When they detect vibrations and chemical cues such as host odors or exhaled carbon dioxide, ticks will fall from their perch or stretch out (holding on to their perch with only 2 or 4 of their rear legs) and hope to snag or attach onto a passing host. Ticks are also capable of detecting shadows cast by a passing host.

Be careful! Ticks can be dangerous to both pets and humans. Many ticks carry bacteria and disease such as: Lyme Disease, Ehrlichiosis and/or Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
Help prevent your pet from having problems with fleas & ticks by using preventative products which can be pruchased from your vet, or local pet stores, such as: Frontline, Advantage, K9 Advantix, Bio-Spot. Ask your vet which is right for your pet.
If your pet already has fleas/ticks: Many of these same products are also used to treat flea infestations. You also need to treat your home, pet's bedding and living area, along with your car (esp. if you transport your pet with fleas).
For a more natural remedy, Shear Paradise offers ALL-NATURAL, NON-TOXIC flea and tick baths too. (no dips or pesticides)
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